Rewarding your real estate agent Referral “Hubs”

reward-real-estate-agent-carpet-cleaning-referralsPeople love “frequent flier” programs. In fact, my guess your grocery store, gas station and yes- even your local sub sandwich shop all have “loyalty programs”.

So why not reward your loyal customers AND motivate them to refer your services? (Remember that if you don’t create Cheerleaders with Value Added Service NO ONE will refer you!)

For example, one group of “opportunity rich” professionals is real estate agents. (Click HERE on how to break through with an agent.)

Develop an online “Punch Card” for real estate agent referrals. When they have referred 12 whole house carpet cleanings the agents gets their own home cleaned free!

NOTE: Click HERE to help an agent look like a hero to their home owner client when they refer your services.

You can play with the rules. But the concept of rewarding customer loyalty and gaining “Top Of Mind Awareness” with high value clients is “priceless”. (Bill Yeadon has written a great Special Report on this “Hub Marketing” concept.)

Commercial/Restoration HINT: If your adjuster or facility manager’s company won’t let them accept gifts (such as you doing a punch card cleaning of their home) just take care of these folks when the chips are down. Maybe even a “no charge” when it will help them look good! For example…

I remember one time we started full tilt on a fire loss after an adjuster gave me the go ahead. Then two days later he shamefacedly confessed, “Steve, I screwed up. There is no coverage on this loss.” My heart sank since I had already invested close to 2,000 bucks in direct costs on the restoration! Yet even so I replied, “No worries, Charlie. I’ll just chalk this one up to good will.” Over the next eight years Charlie referred well over a million dollars in losses to me! Not a bad 2,000 dollar “loyalty investment” in goodwill!


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