Never ‘accuse’ your prospect of having a “problem”!

I share my Seven Words That Will Book More Jobs with every SFS Training group. Simply involve your prospect by saying, “Would you give me a tour and please …” Then ask these Seven Words: “Show me any areas of special concern.”

These seven words will gently nudge your prospect into A) sharing THEIR concerns and B) give THEM control of the conversation. But most importantly your prospect will be forced to C) INVEST time with you! So subconsciously they will want a ‘return on their investment’! What is the only way they can get this ROI? By booking the job with you!

But my SFS students often ask, “Steve, why do we need to use the phrase ‘areas of special concern’?” Because you should …

Never suggest the customer has a “problem”.

That’s right- I remember telling a complaining customer one time, “So I understand you have a problem.” I’ll never forget her reply, “No Steve, I don’t have a problem. It is you who have the problem. I’m the customer!” OUCH! So always use the more neutral (and less accusatory) phrase “areas of special concern”. (ASC)

NOTE: It is especially important to NEVER use the word “problem” over-the-phone with a first-time caller! Get 100’s of more ‘Lead Conversion’ ideas in our 3 hour online SFS: ‘Winning over your caller’ LIVE Seminar! CLICK HERE for more information and to see upcoming dates…

Residential HINT: Homeowners many times refuse to admit they have ‘problems’. Why? Fear of being charged more! But when I changed my pre-inspection script to ask about their ASC’s? Off we went on a ‘tour’ of their home!

Restoration HINT: On your Initial Pre-inspection of a fire or water loss tweak your ASC by asking the Insured, “Would you show me any items of special concern?” This question displays your ‘attitude of care and concern’ and is a great beginning Moment of Truth.

Commercial HINT: It is essential to get your prospect out from behind their desk (and away from their incoming emails!) by showing you the property! So interview your contact by using our free SFS Commercial Carpet Analysis form. When they reply to your “… areas of special concern?” question just start to rise while asking, “Could you show me?” BINGO! Now they will want a ROI for the tour you have talked them into!

Share your tips in our Strategies for Success: Growing Your Business Facebook Group. (You don’t have to be a SFS Training graduate to join thousands of cleaning and restoration contractors all focused on helping you in ‘Growing Your Business’!)


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