When was your latest Press Release?

For all you SFS members:

Don’t forget about the lowly and in some circles viewed as old-fashioned Press Release.  My kudos to SFS member Ivan Turner, owner of Aero-Dry Restoration and Show-Me Marketing in Columbia, MO for sharing some of his post-SFS marketing with us.

ivan-turnerWhile the internet gets all the buzz your local newspaper is very likely desperate for anything that will differentiate itself from its on-line competition, including local news such as Ivan has come up with below.  (And of course you can use this format for any training you or your staff complete.  I’m just a bit prejudiced toward SFS and it’s little brother, the VAST seminar!)

Thanks again, Ivan.




Sara Newman and Lisa Turner attend Jon-Don’s Strategies For Success

AERODRY Disaster restoration is pleased to announce that Sara Newman, Operations Manager and Lisa Turner, Owner of AERODRY have successfully completed Jon-Don’s Strategies For Success, held two weeks ago in St. Louis Missouri.

The five day course was developed specifically for owners and mangers involved in the cleaning & restoration industries. A wide range of topics are covered during the 40 hour program including managing the financials of a growing service company, marketing strategies, operations management, and developing programs to create Customer Cheerleaders through exquisite customer service.

The unique Strategies program includes an advanced college level curriculum focused on the cleaning & restoration industries with more than 2000 past members, including Ivan Turner President of AERODRY.

A picture of Sara Newman and Lisa Turner is attached.

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