Sell carpet protector BEFORE you show up at the job!

sell carpet protectorWHY sell carpet protector? Hmmmm… because you (and your techs) like MONEY? Invest 15-20 minutes to re-apply the carpet’s protective finish and you’ll EASILY add $100.00 to $200.00 NET PROFIT to each job!

And yet… deep down inside you know your protector sales are “disappointing”. I get it! You (and your techs) are under pressure, running behind and it is soooo easy to not even bring up carpet protector on the job! This is why I want you to…

Close the protector sale BEFORE you arrive at the job!

NOTE: Booking the protector re-application BEFORE you arrive is soooo much better! Why? A) You can schedule a bit more time plus B) your customer can budget for the higher price and C) you don’t risk the accusation of being a lousy “bait and switch” company! (I’m assuming you don’t want be surprised with online reviews like this: “Their price doubled after they got inside my home!”)

1. During your pre-inspection* smoothly offer just one (your highest!) price. “So Mrs. Jones, the total price to clean and re-apply your carpet’s protective finish will be…”  You’ll be amazed how many will say, “OK”! And you can always drop down…

2. Or if booking the job-over-the-phone always gently offer the protector option. “And after the cleaning would you like us to re-apply the carpet’s protective finish…?” (Spiff your phone dispatcher 5% of this “before-the-job-sale”.)

3. Always mention your exclusive 12 Month “Spot and Spill Warranty”. Include (and promote) this “Spot and Spill Warranty” FREE with every protector re-application and your protector sales will double! NOTE: You can easily personalize this free 12 Month “Spot and Spill Warranty” with your own company information.

*  Download our free SFS “Carpet Cleaning Pre-inspection Format” HERE.

# Download a word-for-word SFS Phone Format HERE– no charge!

How do YOU sell carpet protector BEFORE you get to the job? Please share your ideas in our comment section below!


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