Make your first impressions stand out

make a great first impressions“First impressions last.” It is that simple. So focus on those first two essential minutes on the job. For example…

Carry a stiff 18” push broom on your first trip up to the door.  After introducing everyone on your team explain you would like to sweep off the entry and walk area to prevent tracking dirt inside.  Now while the lead tech is “walking the job” with the client the other employee should quickly broom off  the entry area.

Winter reminder:  Carry a snow shovel!  Even better, explain over-the-phone you’ll shovel fresh snow off their walk to avoid those last minute “snow cancellations”!

NOTE: This system works better when there are two technicians on the job as the second tech can use the “dead time” while the job is being pre-inspected. However, even if you are working alone the two minutes it takes to neaten up the walk and porch is time well spent.

Here’s three advantages to the above TIP:

1. First impressions: Create a very positive INITIAL (the most important kind) Moment of Truth for the homeowner.

2. The neighbors will notice this great gesture and be suitably impressed!

3.  Less loose and blowing dirt and debris will wind up inside!

Commercial HINT:  “Neat and clean” first impressions count too when working commercial accounts. Potential customers will notice your clean trucks (inside and out) and organized work area with nothing left on the sidewalk and think, “Hey, these people have their act together!”

Restoration HINT:  Traumatized insureds will greatly appreciate your Job Supervisor introducing every team member with their first and last name plus what role they have in restoring the loss. Positive Moments of Truth have a great impact in restoration script them out for your team. And don’t forget photo ID badges for every employee!


2 thoughts on “Make your first impressions stand out”

  1. That is something I have thought about many times, but only because there was debri of some sort on the areas and I hated to get it on my hoses and potentialy bringing it into the house. Never about the positive impact or “MOT” it might have. On a similar note instead of using a spotting towel to dry hard floor surfaces when over spray gets on them, I bring in a microfiber dust mop to dry it. I think it looks more professional and it keeps me off my knees, (at my age I try to keep that to a minimume).

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