Should I buy a restoration franchise?

Is disaster restoration a good fit for this Tennessee constructor? Steve’s “Who-What-Where-Why-When-How” response lays the groundwork for any business decision you might be pondering.

TOP TEN “How to Make More Money” #6: Develop niche services

Quit competing against the far-too-COMMON “Clean Any Size Living Room, Dining Room and Hall for …” bozos. Instead, offer UNCOMMON “special niche services”!

TOP TEN List Idea #7: Pre-orient your client on how to spend more!

Remember, your clients can’t buy more if they don’t know! Steve shares some tips in #7 of his TOP TEN Ways to Make More Money From Each Job List …

Adding this “Extra Services Check List” will promote “Additional Service Options”!

Sometimes the best quickTIPS focus on the little things. For example, how much money are you “leaving on the table” simply because your client doesn’t know everything that your company offers?