Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, You Tube, have had unprecendented growth over the last year. Facebook alone grew by 100 million people in nine months. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. These sites give new meaning to the theory of viral growth.
Unfortunately many Baby-Boomers look at these sites as silly toys for kids. Well it is the boomers that are spurring this growth as people over 55 are the fastest growing segment.
Social Media is NOT a fad it is a fundamental change in the way we communicate. This does not mean if you ask people to become Fans of your company on Facebook that you will have to buy more equipment just to handle the increase in business. Most are still trying to figure out how to handle this monster called social media. But what have you got to lose it won’t cost you anything but a little time. Before you know it you will find yourself in the mosh pit with the Island Boy at a rock concert.
Check out this YouTube video for a good short explanation of this phenomenon.