How to keep cleaning equipment in working condition
Use this Equipment Repair Sheet (ERS) to let the office know about broken tools AND get them fixed right away.
Big results with practical, simple tools.
Use this Equipment Repair Sheet (ERS) to let the office know about broken tools AND get them fixed right away.
Your website should be the target that all of your synergistic marketing should lead back to. This checklist will get you started.
This form will start you on designing your very own “Marketing Plan”. Even better, Bill Yeadon will review and comment on your completed Check List- for FREE!
This Personal Tool and Equipment (PTE) List gives each on-location tech their very own tool box and makes them accountable.
This Water Damage “Set-up List” organizes each trip out to the truck while still focusing on security and keeping a low profile.
This Commercial “Set-up List” organizes each trip out to the truck while still focusing on security and keeping a low profile.
Make it easy for your clients to praise your employees AND let them quickly notify you if they have concerns.
Everyone is happier when they have an established routine for the day and know precisely what is expected of them.
This simple checklist consistently guides your front-line service worker’s relationship with your clients
Develop a solid and consistent work routine that avoids carbon monoxide.
Get the key information down on paper so that ANYBODY can do the job in a pinch.
Pre-orient your customers on what to expect while also giving them Additional Service Options.
This Customer Concern Follow-up Sheet will salvage the customer while providing valuable feedback for your company.
This Personal Protection Inventory List gives each on-location tech their very own PPE bag and makes them accountable.
This Residential “Set-up List” organizes each trip up to the house while still focusing on the all important customer.