Should I buy a restoration franchise?

Is disaster restoration a good fit for this Tennessee constructor? Steve’s “Who-What-Where-Why-When-How” response lays the groundwork for any business decision you might be pondering.

“After 20 years should I convert to a franchise?”

This is a common question and the answer varies based on each individual’s circumstances. Sometimes a franchise might be exactly what is needed. Read on for Steve’s analysis…

End your “missing tool” problem forever!

Nothing ticked me off more than a phone call like this: “Steve, don’t yell at me. But I can’t change out a plugged jet on my carpet wand because there is no wrench on this van.” Read on to see how we fixed this recurring issue …

She wants me to “price match”! Help!

The “Great Recession” has made it “fashionable to haggle”! Here are some thoughts on how to handle value-conscious customers and the other “can you beat this price” shoppers that inevitably are going come your way.

Winning over a traumatized fire or water damage client!

Tired of getting blown off by adjusters? Then prove to them that you will make their lives easier! Steve shares a great tip on getting the loss started off right.

Make a ‘Preemptive Strike’ on your client!

You’ve surely heard the old saying: “You discover the problem and point it out to the client- they still ‘own it’. But when they find it and complain about it to you- now you ‘own it’!” Here’s how to make this into a system in your company.