Employee trouble in paradise…
Business is rocking … yet the office environment has this entrepreneur on his knees looking for how to bring peace to the valley.
Business is rocking … yet the office environment has this entrepreneur on his knees looking for how to bring peace to the valley.
Boost efficiency with clean and organized trucks/ techs. Here Steve offers 5 tips to make a difference right now!
Nothing ticked me off more than a phone call like this: “Steve, don’t yell at me. But I can’t change out a plugged jet on my carpet wand because there is no wrench on this van.” Read on to see how we fixed this recurring issue …
All too often your front line employees can create their “own little kingdoms” by not consistently following company procedures. Tactfully add “Employee Accountability” with this week’s QuickTIP …
Simply and easily help your honest carpet cleaning employees “stay honest” while also streamlining your payroll and accounting procedures.
Nothing is worse than a raving angry call from a regular commercial carpet cleaning customer who discovers your crew left his or her business unlocked all night! Stop this particular nightmare forever with this week’s “quickTIP” …
Hidden cameras, intercoms, even an open window can all lead to BIG negative Moments of Truth. Keep things on the straight and narrow by reminding your people that they are constantly being observed,
After moving to Georgia a carpet cleaner is finding it difficult to get the old cash flow started again. Instead of screaming “Get out there and sell!” Steve says to begin at home with the old-fashioned concept of “frugality” …
I’ve written reams on how to clearly define your CUSTOMER’S expectations. But what about your employees?
Steve explains how “sharing the pain” (AND the profits) can hold your employees “accountable” while also helping them strive for perfection.
Positive Accountability implies recognizing and celebrating the positive achievements your technicians make. Steve gives three examples.
Every day, you should be fighting/ clawing/ struggling and yes, COMPETING for the ‘Very Best People’ to join your business team!
Your ‘moving billboards’ must be driven safely, responsibly AND courteously! Just what is courteous business driving anyways? We share 5 tips.
The single most important “working safety” rule is a simple one-size-fits-all question…
When a worker “owns” their personally assigned PPE they will be much more likely to care for it and follow PPE procedures.