Now the “courtship” is getting serious!
SFS Instructor Chuck Violand reflects on how to win your employee’s hearts in Part III of his “courtship” series …
SFS Instructor Chuck Violand reflects on how to win your employee’s hearts in Part III of his “courtship” series …
Chuck Violand reflects on the “filtering process” we go though both in a courtship and in attracting the “right people” we want to do business with …
Chuck Violand explores the similarities between the relationship of a courting couple and you with your employees, customers, suppliers, and other business “partners” who support you every day.
It is simple- to get respect you have to give it first. Harried business owners especially need to be wary of breaking this rule. Consider carefully Chuck’s thoughts on enhancing your “respect earning potential”…
Chuck Violand shows that we can learn a lot from the efficiency found in a pride of lions roaming the African Serengeti. However, many times new accounts take much longer to bring down than a plump gazelle. So you should just maybe check out Chuck’s warning admonition …
Many entrepreneurs struggle with verbalizing their gratitude to others. SFS instructor Chuck Violand shares why saying “thank you” is so important and how you can do so …
Most people depend too much on their sight – judging how a person looks to determine whether they fit the need. Here’s how you can be more objective when measuring job candidates.
As our companies grow, or as we rise through the ranks in our business, it’s easy to forget what it’s like to be one of the “workers.”
As ridiculous as this might sound, handling finances and financial success is a learned skill.
The virus to which I’m referring is still alive, well and thriving in far too many companies.
Most of us have an over-active need for the approval of others. In the process, we let other people or things get in the way of what we could (and should) be. Even worse, we don’t achieve what we personally want out of life.
Please see David Pollay’s excellent book “The Law of the Garbage Truck”
There’s an epidemic of Beta Talk in business today and I think it’s hurting rather than helping.
Reminding yourself of Sir Winston’s words to “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never…” might help sustain you through the rough patches that are a natural part of every cleaning and restoration business.
How to work through adversity and stay on the path to success and sustained growth