A richer life by “courting” your people.
In his fourth and final installment of his “courtship series”, SFS Instructor Chuck Violand expounds on the true riches to be found in business and (no surprise here!) they have nothing to do with money!
The SFS / VAST team of Jeff Cutshall, Chuck Violand, Bill Yeadon and Steve Toburen share their insights into the best business practices and how you can make it alone in the Cleaning and Restoration Industry.
In his fourth and final installment of his “courtship series”, SFS Instructor Chuck Violand expounds on the true riches to be found in business and (no surprise here!) they have nothing to do with money!
SFS Instructor Chuck Violand reflects on how to win your employee’s hearts in Part III of his “courtship” series …
Chuck Violand reflects on the “filtering process” we go though both in a courtship and in attracting the “right people” we want to do business with …
Chuck Violand explores the similarities between the relationship of a courting couple and you with your employees, customers, suppliers, and other business “partners” who support you every day.
What can you learn from the man many consider to be the greatest coach? It may not be blocking and tackling but is just as important in your game plan.
It is simple- to get respect you have to give it first. Harried business owners especially need to be wary of breaking this rule. Consider carefully Chuck’s thoughts on enhancing your “respect earning potential”…
Chuck Violand shows that we can learn a lot from the efficiency found in a pride of lions roaming the African Serengeti. However, many times new accounts take much longer to bring down than a plump gazelle. So you should just maybe check out Chuck’s warning admonition …
Many entrepreneurs struggle with verbalizing their gratitude to others. SFS instructor Chuck Violand shares why saying “thank you” is so important and how you can do so …
All of us work better with goals AND rewards. So what perks (other than money) can you offer your employees to recognize/reward them?
A few reflections on the many routes to success in this business. I would vote we go by water …
Steve gets a surprise (and a lesson) in his Credit Card statement.
So how can you create a positive Moment of Truth out of the customer thanking you? And should you subtly encourage them to refer you to others? (Even online?) But more importantly- should you? Bill Yeadon gives both sides of the “Great Debate”.
Most people depend too much on their sight – judging how a person looks to determine whether they fit the need. Here’s how you can be more objective when measuring job candidates.
Complacency, routine and arrogance have destroyed companies much bigger and (at one time) more successful than your cleaning or restoration operation. So how can you survive and even prosper in today’s extremely challenging business environment? Steve shares the concept of “S/A” …
How can owners and managers train their employees so that they morph into “Cheerleader making machines”? Jeff Cutshall shares one solution…