Beautiful business! So how do I find a buyer?

A Louisiana cleaner\restorer feels the need for change in his life. Is it time to sell or can he make “adjustments”? Steve offers ideas on both options…

“Help! How do I deal with a business slow down?”

A Philadelphia cleaner’s business hits the wall. What to do? Steve hit’s him with four tough questions and shares four practical ideas to get things back on track.

Burning out with janitorial in New Zealand!

A New Zealand cleaner “bought a job” ten years ago but now finds himself burning out and facing a dead end. Steve shares some options and resources that just might help …

WHO is your worst enemy? And WHAT to do about it!

As business owners we tend to “cherry pick” and only do the stuff we enjoy and avoid what we dread. Yet it has been well said, “Success comes to those who will do what others won’t do.”

How soon can I “escape” my carpet cleaning business?

An Alabama carpet cleaner is looking down the road 15 years or so and fretting, “How am I going to ‘get out’?” Steve says “Good for you”. Every carpet cleaning business should be managed for its eventual sale. The recipe follows …

High or low pricing- which way to go?

A local Dallas carpet cleaner is already successful as a “prestige priced”, high end owner-operator. But now he is questioning his business model and his future …

Always “plant a seed” before leaving…

Sure, you will hit “rejection”. Expect it! But don’t give up easily! First, “smoke out” their true objection and try to get to “yes”. Then is you still can’t close the deal leave the door open…

A wounded carpet cleaner’s cry for help …

All of us (and especially you solo owner operators) should think about the fragile line between good health and winding up disabled in just one instant. And we’re not just talking health. Instead, think what would happen to your family’s economic security if you lose one, two, three or more months of work …