Beautiful business! So how do I find a buyer?

A Louisiana cleaner\restorer feels the need for change in his life. Is it time to sell or can he make “adjustments”? Steve offers ideas on both options…

How can I “step away” from my business?

This SFS graduate from Florida needs to get away from the day to day grind of his business. Is selling the company the only answer?

“How can I deal with conniving Insureds?”

An apparently successful Florida restoration contractor is fed up with the daily shenanigans he faces. Steve shares a concept and solution…

Mike Lamunyon transforms his restoration company with SFS/VAST!

27 year industry veteran Mike Lamunyon has transformed his company with Value Added Service concepts. Every single one of his 20 plus employees are on board with the Value Added Service techniques taught by the Strategies for Success (SFS) seminar and Jon-Don’s one day “Valued Added Service for Technicians” (VAST) class. Check out what these programs could do for your company …

Reflections on making things happen … Meg’s Story (Part 6)

Meg Burdick is back with her latest installment from the front lines! While the Strategies for Success program is great for getting you all revved up and excited to start doing things different … the reality of daily business soon sets in. Meg shares her game plan.