The dangers of “carcass feeding” in your cleaning/restoration business

Chuck Violand shows that we can learn a lot from the efficiency found in a pride of lions roaming the African Serengeti. However, many times new accounts take much longer to bring down than a plump gazelle. So you should just maybe check out Chuck’s warning admonition …

Beautiful business! So how do I find a buyer?

A Louisiana cleaner\restorer feels the need for change in his life. Is it time to sell or can he make “adjustments”? Steve offers ideas on both options…

Poker chips create positive ‘Moments of Truth’ in a carpet cleaning pre-inspection.

Home owners blossom when they see your technician paying attention to what they say. The very best way to show you are really listening? Take “Immediate Action”! Read on for a simple but highly effective “Moment of Truth” when “pre-inspecting” before the carpet cleaning …

‘Pre-introduce’ your techs to your client BEFORE they arrive!

Improve the relationship with the customer by focusing on calming the typical fears a home owner has about a new, unknown (and possibly very strange) carpet cleaning technician walking into their home. Read and IMPLEMENT this quickTIP …. please!

Never leave a commercial cleaning account’s door unlocked again …

Nothing is worse than a raving angry call from a regular commercial carpet cleaning customer who discovers your crew left his or her business unlocked all night! Stop this particular nightmare forever with this week’s “quickTIP” …