Differentiate your company with a DYNAMITE guarantee!
Offer a no-questions-asked guarantee in residential! (And honor it CHEERFULLY!)
Offer a no-questions-asked guarantee in residential! (And honor it CHEERFULLY!)
Don’t you just hate those nasty call-backs and complaints after you are convinced you left the carpets looking great? (Especially when the customer wasn’t even there when you did the work! Grrrr …) Here is one great way to pro-actively solve this problem before it even starts …
Success in business is based on clear, honest and open communication between all involved. Make it easy with a Production Day Sheet.
On a Restoration Job keeping the peace comes first. See how a house plant can help you achieve this.
Imagine the power of a “Cheerleader on steroids” that instead of referring 5 or 6 friends actually will sell your services to thousands of strangers! Learn here how you can tactfully promote online reviews …
“Quality Check” calls made the day after the cleaning service are a great way to verify that the home owner is delighted. (If you aren’t doing them, start now!) However, this week’s quickTIP shows how to “double dip” with your Q/C calls by creating a positive Moment of Truth for your technicians.
How often have you done an incredible job, your delighted client gushingly promises to post an ecstatic 5 star Google review about you and… crickets?
Positive Accountability implies recognizing and celebrating the positive achievements your technicians make. Steve gives three examples.
A complaining customer is just a wake up call to “tune up” your company. But before you can make these positive changes you need lots of “Why, When, Where, What and HOW?” answers.
Today’s customer will post a negative online review BEFORE calling you! So get proactive by calling the client BEFORE they reach their computer keyboard!
Online five star positive reviews are “gifts that keep on giving”! Your challenge? Residential customers promise to review you online but forget!
Negative online reviews are a tempting way to vent. Your problem? A negative review can stick around “forever”!
This Customer Concern Follow-up Sheet will salvage the customer while providing valuable feedback for your company.
Increase your carpet cleaning cash flow with residential contract cleaning. Steve Toburen outlines how to improve Stay Beautiful contract signups.
A Chicago restoration contractor wants to get feedback from his customers. Steve explains why this is such a great idea and shares some resources that are free for the downloading right here on this site …