Make a ‘Preemptive Strike’ on your client!

You’ve surely heard the old saying: “You discover the problem and point it out to the client- they still ‘own it’. But when they find it and complain about it to you- now you ‘own it’!” Here’s how to make this into a system in your company.

Poker chips create positive ‘Moments of Truth’ in a carpet cleaning pre-inspection.

Home owners blossom when they see your technician paying attention to what they say. The very best way to show you are really listening? Take “Immediate Action”! Read on for a simple but highly effective “Moment of Truth” when “pre-inspecting” before the carpet cleaning …

Pre-orient/ educate your carpet cleaning clients

Win Customer Cheerleaders by briefly explaining the cleaning process and how you are going to do it. Your goal is to give the home owner enough knowledge to FEEL in control.