How can I reach out to my “straying” carpet cleaning clients?

A Wisconsin carpet cleaner has been looking for an “excuse” to call his tardy booking customers. Steve shares a great way to reach out to your clients and at the same time create a positive Moment of Truth …

What is the survival rate of new carpet cleaning start-ups?

A Maine cleaning professional frets about the survival rate among carpet cleaning start ups. Steve never did and explains why you don’t need to worry about other people’s “survival rate” else either …

Turning the tables on those pesky “Price Shoppers”!

Tempted to just tell in-your-face price shoppers to go ahead and try your friendly local “bait and switcher” low-ball competitor? A better option is …

High or low pricing- which way to go?

A local Dallas carpet cleaner is already successful as a “prestige priced”, high end owner-operator. But now he is questioning his business model and his future …

Timidly entering the commercial arena …

Many carpet cleaners are fighting off the “residential recession blues” by entering the contract commercial area. But writing the business proposal is a bit intimidating for many of our Site Members. Steve throws a life-line out to one hard working but frustrated carpet cleaner …

Should I “stoop to the level” of my cut-throat carpet cleaning competitors?

After moving to Georgia a carpet cleaner is finding it difficult to get the old cash flow started again. Instead of screaming “Get out there and sell!” Steve says to begin at home with the old-fashioned concept of “frugality” …

Can I charge a premium for after hours commercial cleaning work?


Just a short question.  I’ve always felt like I should be able to charge a premium rate for night or weekend work. However, when I bring this idea up to other carpet cleaners they act like I’ve hit on their mother!  What did you do and if you did charge more, how much over your regular rates was it and did you get any resistance?

Perplexed in Toledo

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