This will probably be the shortest blog post ever on our SFS website, but it is too good not to share with everyone.
Bill Yeadon
49 Questions to Improve Your Results
Good questions prime your brain to look at the world in a different way. By simply holding a question in your mind and pondering potential answers, you can find unexpected paths to get from where you are now to where you want to be.
How are you going to motivate yourself for success in carpet cleaning?
Everyone wants success but few ever find it. Bill goes down deep into the human psyche with some soul searching questions about what motivates you as a business owner. Fortunately for all of us there are answers to be found inside us …
Paging Vince Lombardi
What can you learn from the man many consider to be the greatest coach? It may not be blocking and tackling but is just as important in your game plan.
So is the “Principle of Reciprocity” manipulative?
So how can you create a positive Moment of Truth out of the customer thanking you? And should you subtly encourage them to refer you to others? (Even online?) But more importantly- should you? Bill Yeadon gives both sides of the “Great Debate”.
How to market cleaning and restoration services
This form will start you on designing your very own “Marketing Plan”. Even better, Bill Yeadon will review and comment on your completed Check List- for FREE!
Hub Marketing Referrals- Breaking Down Barriers
In this SFS Special Report, Big Billy Yeadon breaks down the WHY and HOW of creating crosssover marketing opportunities for cleaning companies and/or restoration operations.
The Dirty Dozen Fabric Problems and How to Eliminate Them
Build a niche by specializing in fixing fine fabric problems. Are you ready for the lucrative world of fine fabric cleaning?
The Customer Comes Second!
What does it really mean to value you workforce as your greatest asset? Few cleaning and restoration companies live up to their claims of caring for their employees. How do you measure up? Does it really matter?
Pet Problems: I Smell Money!
Big Billy Yeadon shares how to increase your share of a $41,000,000,000.00 (that’s a whole lot of zeros!) market that many other cleaners are missing out on … the lucrative world of pet care.
Start With Why by Simon Sinek
Start With Why has its own simple philosophy “people don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”
The Story Factor by Annette Simmons
The best business books aren’t just about business; they give you tools to improve your communication skills and/or increase your powers of influence. Bill explores how to create a “story”.
SEO Made Easy by Evan Bailyn
Even if you hire your SEO work out you still need to have enough knowledge to a) consult with a SEO expert and b) hold their feet to the fire!
Hope you like cleaning polyester!
Americans are now recycling 30% of the 50 billion plus water bottles we consume every year! Much of this recycled plastic (polyethylene terephthalate/PET) is being turned into residential carpet. Are you up for the challenge?
April Showers Bring… Customer Appreciation Days!
With this past (and ongoing) winter who knows if we will see “flowers” or more SNOW in the coming months. The only sure thing is that there will be a lot of pent up customer demand to get their homes and buildings clean and fresh smelling very soon!