Employee trouble in paradise…
Business is rocking … yet the office environment has this entrepreneur on his knees looking for how to bring peace to the valley.
Business is rocking … yet the office environment has this entrepreneur on his knees looking for how to bring peace to the valley.
In his fourth and final installment of his “courtship series”, SFS Instructor Chuck Violand expounds on the true riches to be found in business and (no surprise here!) they have nothing to do with money!
HOW can you calmly make wise and balanced business (and life) plans going forward? Here’s 9 introspective points to ponder on:
We ALL do better when we work toward achieving shared goals. So I suggest you…
NEVER do “Desperation Hiring”! Instead, find the very best people as an ongoing process. Here’s 6 great ideas how to do it on a regular basis.
Building my business into “something of value” was one of the great joys of my life. BUT to grow your company RIGHT isn’t easy!
It is vital to communicate to employees your company’s daily, weekly and long term priorities. Here’s one way to do it …
Communication systems help avoid costly misunderstandings and promote a professional, trusting relationship.
Reminding yourself of Sir Winston’s words to “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never…” might help sustain you through the rough patches that are a natural part of every cleaning and restoration business.
Start With Why has its own simple philosophy “people don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”
Any business (regardless of size) can close the “bully gap” by recognizing the things that make a company UNIUQE are what make a company GOOD.
The best business books aren’t just about business; they give you tools to improve your communication skills and/or increase your powers of influence. Bill explores how to create a “story”.
We’ve discussed the first two sub-categories of discipline: 1) The ability to execute and 2) to hold yourself accountable. Now let’s finish up with this last characteristic – the ability to get out of our own way!
When we realize how little we can accomplish on our own and recognize the tremendous contributions others have made to our success, it’s easier to move beyond a “me” focus.
Owners that constantly change direction and don’t follow through on any of the plans get the company in trouble.