Never Stop Courting
Chuck Violand explores the similarities between the relationship of a courting couple and you with your employees, customers, suppliers, and other business “partners” who support you every day.
Chuck Violand explores the similarities between the relationship of a courting couple and you with your employees, customers, suppliers, and other business “partners” who support you every day.
It is simple- to get respect you have to give it first. Harried business owners especially need to be wary of breaking this rule. Consider carefully Chuck’s thoughts on enhancing your “respect earning potential”…
Don’t you just hate those nasty call-backs and complaints after you are convinced you left the carpets looking great? (Especially when the customer wasn’t even there when you did the work! Grrrr …) Here is one great way to pro-actively solve this problem before it even starts …
A Portland carpet cleaner is at a cross roads in his life. Get big by taking on employees? Stay small as an owner operator? Steve’s answer may surprise you …
Not all successful companies need to “get BIG”. A proven Colorado cleaner needs help in scaling things back into a manageable size. Steve offers a shoulder to cry on and shares his firsthand experience of what to do when your cleaning business gets out of control.
So should you incorporate to protect personal assets? We can’t say as a) no one here is an attorney PLUS b) we don’t know your personal situation. But a few thoughts …
How you phrase a simple customer request can have a dramatic effect on the all-important relationship between client and company.
A local Dallas carpet cleaner is already successful as a “prestige priced”, high end owner-operator. But now he is questioning his business model and his future …
Business needs to be about more than just making money. Simply put, your carpet cleaning employees need fun in their work day and what is more fun than a good-natured competitive contest?
How can you make sure your company’s telephone procedures are on track? Put on your “Customer’s Eyeglasses” through your ears. See how …
When the boss decides to start working on the business instead of on the truck, this leaves a gaping hole … Such are the pains of success!! Steve offers his insights.
The homeowner/ carpet retailer relationship is a difficult and thorny one. Then along comes an unsuspecting carpet cleaner who just wants everyone to get along …
An Oregon water loss carpet expert struggles with being completely up front with the homeowner of a water damaged home versus the customer’s desire for “Immediate Action”. Guess who wins with Steve?
I’ve written reams on how to clearly define your CUSTOMER’S expectations. But what about your employees?
Previously I shared how much I hated to be “surprised” by an employee. But it is only fair that you don’t surprise an employee either.