End your “missing tool” problem forever!

Nothing ticked me off more than a phone call like this: “Steve, don’t yell at me. But I can’t change out a plugged jet on my carpet wand because there is no wrench on this van.” Read on to see how we fixed this recurring issue …

Motivate your cleaning employees with a weekly contest for Scotchgard “up-sells”!

scotchgard protects against spills

Business needs to be about more than just making money. Simply put, your carpet cleaning employees need fun in their work day and what is more fun than a good-natured competitive contest?

Boost your technician’s morale!

“Quality Check” calls made the day after the cleaning service are a great way to verify that the home owner is delighted. (If you aren’t doing them, start now!) However, this week’s quickTIP shows how to “double dip” with your Q/C calls by creating a positive Moment of Truth for your technicians.