Lately I’ve been focused (obsessed?) on motivating employees. Sure, you can make a good living as a solo ‘Lone Wolf’ owner operator IF you ‘do it right’. However…
Eventually most cleaning and restoration contractors start hiring employees, And then the ‘fun’ starts. (NOT!) Too many of us sort of ‘slide into hiring’ while continuing to run our company with an owner-operator mindset.
Instead, to successfully build a Critical Mass Business that will smoothly run without you the owner must become 1) a coordinator, 2) a planner, 3) an amateur psychologist AND so much more! But let’s focus on #3 today…
RESOURCE #1: You’ll get 100’s of new hiring ideas and systems in our 3-hour, online SFS: Hiring the Very Best! LIVE seminar. To learn more and/or easily register online click HERE.
Early in my business career I learned my Very Best People felt ’emotionally tied’ to my company. Why? Because we consistently (and gratefully) gave our workforce sincere “Employee Recognition”! Of course, they also loved the cash bonuses we ceremonially handed out too!
Another key to employee success? I realized few people are (initially) excited and proud to be hired as a cleaning and/or restoration technician. (Very few kids brag to their friends about their daddy becoming a cleaning tech!) So you must develop routine ways to…
Increase your employee’s pride, self esteem and ‘sense of belonging’. For example…
1. Give new techs their very own business cards… on their first day! Be sure to include their photo on employee’s cards. They’ll go crazy handing them out! (CLICK HERE for 16 tips to improve your business cards.)
2. All employees should have their own photo I.D. badge. This is very reassuring to your customers too! BTW, make sure their first name is printed extra large on the badge so clients will call them by name. (This is great for relationship building!) ) So WHEN should you give your new hire their ID badge and business cards? When you…
3. Have a ‘Welcome Aboard’ ceremony for each new worker. This doesn’t have to be an elaborate affair. Coffee and donuts when they walk in, an introduction to their co-workers (applause!) and “… tell us a little about yourself, Charlie…” Then…
4. Introduce your new employee to their mentor/trainer! Hmmm, this sounds like a whole different QuickTIP. Let’s talk about this real soon! 🙂
5. Implement routine Positive Recognition Systems. I don’t believe it is possible to deliver too much sincere praise and commendation to your workers.
RESOURCE #2: You’ve hired fantastic employees? GREAT! But now you need to keep them busy! That’s why you need our 3 hour, online SFS: Winning over your caller! LIVE seminar. Click HERE for 100’s of ‘Lead Conversion’ ideas and systems easily book prospects who use text, email, Facebook, website chat or even… the phone! HERE are our upcoming class dates…
We’ve also had some great ‘leadership’ threads recently in our Strategies for Success: Growing Your Business Facebook group. Join us HERE.