Making your Photo ID badges even better!

Without a doubt, when you perform any service in the customer’s home their #1 emotion is FEAR!  Especially on that all-important first visit your client is nervous, intimidated, suspicious and yep- feels very vulnerable, even invaded!

But honestly, can you blame your first-time client for feeling threatened?  He or she hasn’t learned yet what a wonderful person you are!  And the news media is full of “carpet cleaner horror stories”!  Some of them are even true!

So never forget- “personal safety” is a huge Hot Button for your residential customers!  Ignore it at your peril!

We recently shared one of the easiest, fastest and certainly cheapest “personal security” Moments of Truths:  Everyone in your company should wear a photo ID badge at all times.  So here are a few more ID badge reminders…

Be sure to make employee’s names on their badges LARGE AND EASY TO READ! This way the customer avoids the embarrassment of having to lean in close and squint to read your name.

This TIP keeps the customer from invading YOUR personal space too! So lay out your employee’s first name really big (maybe in all CAPITAL LETTERS) and then put their last name and title in smaller letters.

Bonus TIP:  Want to create a great Moment of Truth on the phone?  Close by reminding  your caller, “All our employees wear photo ID badges”.  Then remind your people to keep their ID badges clearly visible, especially during those first critical moments on the job.

Restoration Note:  Given the traumatized emotions of a home owner that has suffered a fire or water damage Photo ID badges are especially important.  Especially so because of the often large number of workers on a restoration loss.  (Hint:  Encourage your regular sub-contractors to get photo ID badges for their workers too.)

Commercial/Janitorial Note:  Photo ID badges are required/encouraged almost everywhere.  Even if you are a small Building Service Contractor ID badges give you the look of a big company- for about 6 bucks per person!

And finally be sure to keep your employee’s photos up to date on their badges and in their Employee Profile on your company website.  Which reminds me- I think Billy Yeadon still has his high school photo on our SFS website!


PS: So what “in-the-home procedures” have you implemented to help clients feel more “at ease”?

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2 thoughts on “Making your Photo ID badges even better!”

  1. Steve i have searching online for badges in the ma area any chance you know where we can order them ,i think it is a great idea !!!

  2. Thanks for the tips! Having the employee’s first name larger and more prominent than their last name sounds really great. It seems like it would make it a more friendly environment and make them feel more comfortable with working with you. Finding a background color that is calming seems like it would also help make your customer feel more relaxed.

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