Make a ‘Preemptive Strike’ on your client!

You’ve surely heard the old saying: “You discover the problem and point it out to the client- they still ‘own it’. But when they find it and complain about it to you- now you ‘own it’!” Here’s how to make this into a system in your company.

The dangers of “carcass feeding” in your cleaning/restoration business

Chuck Violand shows that we can learn a lot from the efficiency found in a pride of lions roaming the African Serengeti. However, many times new accounts take much longer to bring down than a plump gazelle. So you should just maybe check out Chuck’s warning admonition …

How to deal with “I wanna a price now” callers!

Any phone script needs tweaking now and then… Steve Toburen’s SFS carpet cleaning phone script is due for a little fine tuning of its own. With these modifications you now have the option of giving a price over the phone and STILL book the job!