She wants me to “price match”! Help!

The “Great Recession” has made it “fashionable to haggle”! Here are some thoughts on how to handle value-conscious customers and the other “can you beat this price” shoppers that inevitably are going come your way.

Make a ‘Preemptive Strike’ on your client!

You’ve surely heard the old saying: “You discover the problem and point it out to the client- they still ‘own it’. But when they find it and complain about it to you- now you ‘own it’!” Here’s how to make this into a system in your company.

Can you impress your client with a flashlight?

Home owners decide if you have done a good job or a bad job based on how they FEEL about you. So the more “care and concern” you show for their home the better. Steve shares a neat little “prop” that helps you create Customer Cheerleaders!

Banning the “E-word”- Help your prospective customers focus on more than price!

price estimate cleaning

Carpet cleaners all over the world fall into the old “just gimme an estimate” trap with potential carpet cleaning customers. Fight back with this simple change in terminology …

How can I calm a frazzled customer with a water damaged home?

An Oregon water loss carpet expert struggles with being completely up front with the homeowner of a water damaged home versus the customer’s desire for “Immediate Action”. Guess who wins with Steve?