Commercial carpet cleaning confusion?
A Phoenix carpet cleaner needs to get commercial work FAST! Steve shares six points that will get things moving IF he has the “fire in the belly”!
A Phoenix carpet cleaner needs to get commercial work FAST! Steve shares six points that will get things moving IF he has the “fire in the belly”!
Steve shares his tips on avoiding the needless and time-consuming “discussions” with the customer on how the work area should be measured.
The customer wants “to consult” with their spouse. In reality they have a price objection. Here’s how to get price out in the open and still make the sale.
Don’t do just one thing- use Massive Action by doing many different strategies all at the same time to stay busy all year round!
7 simple steps to provide a commercial proposal instead of just a one time cleaning price.
I often made MORE net profit on the smaller job! Here’s how …
Big Billy Yeadon weighs in with what may be the most profitable way to price your carpet cleaning services as an owner-operator. In the final analysis it will be up to you. But first check out Bill’s musings …
Outside of arguing about the best truck mount (which invariably is owned by the person talking) there is nothing that causes more disagreement among carpet cleaners than “how to price” the job. My take? They all work! Let me explain why …