How can I increase the cleaning frequency of our accounts?

How can a big city commercial cleaner tie-up his commercial customers for the long-term and avoid back-breaking restorative cleanings? Zoned “Maintenance agreements” are the answer but how should he structure (and sell) them? Steve weighs in …

How to “convert” a big cleanup into a regular contract account

A Carolina cleaner is all excited about a big job. Steve returns him to reality with a reminder on regular cash flow and how to get it.

How to deal with “I wanna a price now” callers!

Any phone script needs tweaking now and then… Steve Toburen’s SFS carpet cleaning phone script is due for a little fine tuning of its own. With these modifications you now have the option of giving a price over the phone and STILL book the job!

How can I “work” my 70 year data base of installed carpets?

A 70 year old Texas carpet store is expanding into carpet cleaning. So how can they turn their thousands of long-term retail clients into carpet cleaning customers? Steve shares tips on how to win them now … or win them later.

Tired of the “your carpet cleaning prices are too high” objection?

The recent Great Recession has marked (scarred?) our customer’s buying habits. Steve shows one Dallas carpet cleaner how to avoid being put on the defensive when hit with the “too high” objection …

Can you impress your client with a flashlight?

Home owners decide if you have done a good job or a bad job based on how they FEEL about you. So the more “care and concern” you show for their home the better. Steve shares a neat little “prop” that helps you create Customer Cheerleaders!

Poker chips create positive ‘Moments of Truth’ in a carpet cleaning pre-inspection.

Home owners blossom when they see your technician paying attention to what they say. The very best way to show you are really listening? Take “Immediate Action”! Read on for a simple but highly effective “Moment of Truth” when “pre-inspecting” before the carpet cleaning …

Banning the “E-word”- Help your prospective customers focus on more than price!

price estimate cleaning

Carpet cleaners all over the world fall into the old “just gimme an estimate” trap with potential carpet cleaning customers. Fight back with this simple change in terminology …

Beware of “Heightened Awareness Syndrome”

It drove me absolutely nuts when my company was blamed for the customer’s pre-existing problem(s)! However usually they (and I) were innocent victims of a weird psychological phenomenon I’ve dubbed … “Heightened Awareness Syndrome”! (HAS)