Home owners blossom when they see your technician paying attention to what they say! The very best way to show you are really listening? Take ‘Immediate Action’!
Don’t just verbally TELL the customer that you will follow up. You’ll make a much better impression by immediately taking practical, visible measures so that the customer recognizes their concerns won’t be forgotten. Here is a great technique …
When your technician does their “initial walk through” with the customer have them place plastic poker chips to mark spots and other ‘areas of concern’ that the home owner points out.

The tech writes down the customer’s concern on the work order and then pulls a poker chip out of their pocket and says, “Let me just put this on the carpet to remind me to pre-treat this area.”
These brightly colored chips remind your techs to give these areas special attention but more importantly silently show the customer that you are taking their concerns seriously.
Somehow it seems the greatest ideas are the simple ones! Imagine your customer’s positive Moment of Truth when she sees you taking ‘Immediate Action’ to mark every spot, spill and concern so you can give it “special attention” later. Let’s see, you could even color code spots- a yellow poker chip for doggie pee and a brown one for … No, that’s getting entirely too obsessive/compulsive, even for Strategies for Success members!
NOTE: Share more great ideas like this in our Strategies for Success: ‘Growing Your Business’ Facebook Group HERE. (You don’t need to be a SFS graduate to join our thousands of cleaning and restoration contractors… all interested in helping you in ‘Growing Your Business’!)
P.S. Have you recently taken a hard look at how you and your technicians perform pre-cleaning inspections? First impressions have a lasting effect… Download my Special Report on making inspections that get you the job for the tools needed to professionalize your inspection procedures.