She wants me to “price match”! Help!

The “Great Recession” has made it “fashionable to haggle”! Here are some thoughts on how to handle value-conscious customers and the other “can you beat this price” shoppers that inevitably are going come your way.

How can I increase the cleaning frequency of our accounts?

How can a big city commercial cleaner tie-up his commercial customers for the long-term and avoid back-breaking restorative cleanings? Zoned “Maintenance agreements” are the answer but how should he structure (and sell) them? Steve weighs in …

Beautiful business! So how do I find a buyer?

A Louisiana cleaner\restorer feels the need for change in his life. Is it time to sell or can he make “adjustments”? Steve offers ideas on both options…

How to “convert” a big cleanup into a regular contract account

A Carolina cleaner is all excited about a big job. Steve returns him to reality with a reminder on regular cash flow and how to get it.

Commercial carpet cleaning confusion?

A Phoenix carpet cleaner needs to get commercial work FAST! Steve shares six points that will get things moving IF he has the “fire in the belly”!

How to deal with “I wanna a price now” callers!

Any phone script needs tweaking now and then… Steve Toburen’s SFS carpet cleaning phone script is due for a little fine tuning of its own. With these modifications you now have the option of giving a price over the phone and STILL book the job!

How can I “work” my 70 year data base of installed carpets?

A 70 year old Texas carpet store is expanding into carpet cleaning. So how can they turn their thousands of long-term retail clients into carpet cleaning customers? Steve shares tips on how to win them now … or win them later.

“Help! How do I deal with a business slow down?”

A Philadelphia cleaner’s business hits the wall. What to do? Steve hit’s him with four tough questions and shares four practical ideas to get things back on track.

Burning out with janitorial in New Zealand!

A New Zealand cleaner “bought a job” ten years ago but now finds himself burning out and facing a dead end. Steve shares some options and resources that just might help …