Frozen pipes = Big money IF you “do it right”!
Steve hands out four key principles for making more money in water damage restoration. Check out the Four “C’s” here.
Steve hands out four key principles for making more money in water damage restoration. Check out the Four “C’s” here.
Ever get tired of one minute being a Water Loss HERO and then all of a sudden you become a GOAT! Read how Steve solved this all-too-common problem…
This is a common question and the answer varies based on each individual’s circumstances. Sometimes a franchise might be exactly what is needed. Read on for Steve’s analysis…
Tired of getting blown off by adjusters? Then prove to them that you will make their lives easier! Steve shares a great tip on getting the loss started off right.
A multitude of tiny MOTs combined together will create delighted Customer Cheerleaders that will produce millions of dollars in “downstream profits!”
How you phrase a simple customer request can have a dramatic effect on the all-important relationship between client and company.
When you have many losses to choose from you should pick your most profitable “sweet spot” losses using these questions.
To gain a long term client sometimes you need to work with their budget and cash flow in the short term. Steve shares some options…
How to increase efficiency on the job while still delivering ‘Value Added Service’!
Obviously no 12 point Report is going to cover everything you need for success in restoration, but our guess is you will find downloading “12 Secrets for a Smoother Running Restoration Business” well worth your time.
Do you know how to anticipate problems? Knowing what needs to be changed is the first step to avoid potential dangers in your business success.
Knowing when to walk away is critical for all service industry professionals. For restorers dealing with insureds even more so.
Restoration preferred vendors have transformed the water damage mitigation world for the small independent restorer … and not for the better!
IF your techs treat a devastated home the same as they do a normal residential cleaning then they will create “a disaster for your company”!
What is a “valid assignment of benefits” and how does it affect payment from the insurance compnay for my fire restoration work? We get you started.