How to achieve ‘Balanced Efficiency’ on a residential job

SFS graduates know I love the ‘3-Legged Stool’ Business Model. This mixture of 1) high-end residential, 2) contract commercial and 3) carefully chosen restoration losses evens out your cash flow while maximizing profits!

True confessions time: I LOVED my residential customers. And yet I tell every SFS class that residential is the toughest place in our industry to make a profit! Here’s why…

As I used to remind my carpet cleaning crews, “If the wand isn’t moving… we aren’t making money!” (Of course this same principle applied to my restoration technicians too.)

NOTE: Especially with residential work giving your client a ‘slam-bang’, rushing-the-job impression is a terrible Moment of Truth. (Maybe even more so to a traumatized insured facing the devastation of a restoration loss!)

And yet ‘time really is money’! So let’s focus on…

How to 1) increase efficiency on the job while 2) still delivering great ‘Value Added Service’!

1. Consider moving to two person crews for most jobs. This way the crew chief can focus on building a relationship with the home owner while the assistant tech is setting up and breaking down the equipment.

NOTE: Another HUGE advantage of two people on a crew is one tech can continue working while the other tech visits the neighbors to ‘apologize for the noise’ and say, “To make it up to you here is a bottle of our Free Lifetime Spotter and my card.” (CLICK HERE for the complete SFS procedure.)

2. Reduce time-wasting trips back-and-forth to the van. CLICK HERE for a sample Residential Set-Up List. And check out this great everything-in-one-backpack idea HERE!

3. Use multi-purpose equipment. For example, a counter-rotating brush machine will do a great job on loose soil and pet hair and can then easily pre-agitate your traffic lane pre-spray. And using interchangeable 2 gallons jugs with a 3M™ Cordless Battery Multi‑Sprayer let’s you apply pre-sprays, deodorizers and/or carpet protector– all with one sprayer!

NOTE: Especially with residential I’m a big proponent of ‘divide and conquer’ and of  reducing the geographical area you cover. Simply put, a smaller area means less travel time and a better ‘wand on the carpet’ ratio!

RESOURCE:  Our 3-hour, online SFS: Hiring the Very Best! LIVE seminar will transform your employee recruiting systems AND your life! Click HERE for the class curriculum, to see upcoming dates or to easily register online…

Of course, getting more efficient while giving the impression to Mrs. Jones you have all-the-time-in-the-world to chat with her and/or do a great job can be a very narrow line to walk! But back at the shop we can efficiently rock-and-roll! So let’s focus on this soon!


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