How are you going to motivate yourself for success in carpet cleaning?

Everyone wants success but few ever find it. Bill goes down deep into the human psyche with some soul searching questions about what motivates you as a business owner. Fortunately for all of us there are answers to be found inside us …

“After 20 years should I convert to a franchise?”

This is a common question and the answer varies based on each individual’s circumstances. Sometimes a franchise might be exactly what is needed. Read on for Steve’s analysis…

Consider part time instead of full time workers

Ready to hire your first employee? Or maybe due to expansion you are eying the possibility of hiring more. Steve highlights the benefits of using part-time help.

WHO is your worst enemy? And WHAT to do about it!

As business owners we tend to “cherry pick” and only do the stuff we enjoy and avoid what we dread. Yet it has been well said, “Success comes to those who will do what others won’t do.”

What is the survival rate of new carpet cleaning start-ups?

A Maine cleaning professional frets about the survival rate among carpet cleaning start ups. Steve never did and explains why you don’t need to worry about other people’s “survival rate” else either …

How your carpet cleaning or restoration company can not only survive but prosper with “Situational Awareness”!

Complacency, routine and arrogance have destroyed companies much bigger and (at one time) more successful than your cleaning or restoration operation. So how can you survive and even prosper in today’s extremely challenging business environment? Steve shares the concept of “S/A” …

How can I “step away” from my business?

This SFS graduate from Florida needs to get away from the day to day grind of his business. Is selling the company the only answer?

Escaping Groundhog Day Management – Part VII (Discipline)

We’ve discussed the first two sub-categories of discipline: 1) The ability to execute and 2) to hold yourself accountable. Now let’s finish up with this last characteristic – the ability to get out of our own way!