How are you going to motivate yourself for success in carpet cleaning?

Everyone wants success but few ever find it. Bill goes down deep into the human psyche with some soul searching questions about what motivates you as a business owner. Fortunately for all of us there are answers to be found inside us …

How can I reach out to my “straying” carpet cleaning clients?

A Wisconsin carpet cleaner has been looking for an “excuse” to call his tardy booking customers. Steve shares a great way to reach out to your clients and at the same time create a positive Moment of Truth …

Help your clients ‘feel good’ about the condition of their home!

How many times have you had a residential carpet cleaning customer apologize to you for the condition of her carpets? This can be treacherous ground. This week’s quickTIPS shares a great response that will turn a negative in to a great positive Moment of Truth …

The pre-paid “Stay Beautiful” maintenance program for residential carpet cleaning

Are you tired of being beat up by the “Great Recession”? Are your customers increasing their times between cleanings and/or having less done when they do call you? Many of our SFS members have implemented the “Stay Beautiful” residential “service contract” which guarantees your customer beautiful carpets forever AND they report great results. Download this FREE Special Report …