Give your clients the “why and what”
Improve your face to face time with clients. Make your great service even better by providing information that the customer can appreciate and use.
Improve your face to face time with clients. Make your great service even better by providing information that the customer can appreciate and use.
Developing a relationship over the phone is a real challenge. Your cleaning or restoration company can start building a bond with a new client right from the “git-go” with this little tip…
It drove me absolutely nuts when my company was blamed for the customer’s pre-existing problem(s)! However usually they (and I) were innocent victims of a weird psychological phenomenon I’ve dubbed … “Heightened Awareness Syndrome”! (HAS)
Most people depend too much on their sight – judging how a person looks to determine whether they fit the need. Here’s how you can be more objective when measuring job candidates.
Even the best new recruits need training. Steve provides tools to train your new employees and get them started right!
Win new customers at Spring Home Shows. Steve shares multiple tips to get the best return for your efforts at trade shows this spring.
There will always be unsolvable problems in your customer’s home or business. How can you avoid endless callbacks to “fix the unfixable”? Here’s a simple reminder …
For a turnkey profitable company you must focus on efficient, consistent production AND a positive customer experience. This means defining the job routine.
Yep, relationships are forged (or lost) based on their first impressions (30 seconds). Now let’s get down to your business…
Who doesn’t want to increase high quality sales closings. 6 steps to implement sales management with accountability.
If you want a Critical Mass Business (one that can run well without you) it can’t be “all about you”. You have to learn to communicate well.
This simple checklist consistently guides your front-line service worker’s relationship with your clients
All customers have questions they don’t verbalize! Read here samples of “Unspoken Questions” that are screaming away in your customer’s mind right now.
“Putting on the on the Customer’s Eyeglasses” is my term for looking at yourself (and your actions on the job) through the eyes of your client.
Knowing when to walk away is critical for all service industry professionals. For restorers dealing with insureds even more so.