Keep your trucks clean and organized
Boost efficiency with clean and organized trucks/ techs. Here Steve offers 5 tips to make a difference right now!
Boost efficiency with clean and organized trucks/ techs. Here Steve offers 5 tips to make a difference right now!
Many of your long time customers may not even KNOW you offer carpet protection. Routinely remind them about ScotchGard and you’ll Make More Money!
Winter is on the way! So how can you keep those residential jobs coming in even during the most foul weather? By displaying care and concern for your client’s home …
A huge problem for any service provider is clients forgetting/ blowing off appointments. Schedule these tasks for your office staff …
Everyone wants success but few ever find it. Bill goes down deep into the human psyche with some soul searching questions about what motivates you as a business owner. Fortunately for all of us there are answers to be found inside us …
Home owners decide if you have done a good job or a bad job based on how they FEEL about you. So the more “care and concern” you show for their home the better. Steve shares a neat little “prop” that helps you create Customer Cheerleaders!
Put your Customer’s Eyeglasses on for this gem of how to improve your Technicians efficiency and the impression your customer takes away…
It drove me absolutely nuts when my company was blamed for the customer’s pre-existing problem(s)! However usually they (and I) were innocent victims of a weird psychological phenomenon I’ve dubbed … “Heightened Awareness Syndrome”! (HAS)
Let’s see if we can help a “new boy” in Reno. He started out on the right track by picking a great industry IF he “does it right” …
The homeowner/ carpet retailer relationship is a difficult and thorny one. Then along comes an unsuspecting carpet cleaner who just wants everyone to get along …
The condition of your equipment represents the image of your company. Here is one example of how to always make the best impression by “double-dipping” …
The logistics of working in snow, ice and freezing temperatures can be miserable! Yet you got to pay the bills. These tools will make it easier.
A wise businessperson knows which fights are worth fighting. Your highly trained service technicians specialty should be making the Cheerleader for future cleaning sales. Support your crews (and avoid headaches) with this System.
You want to take the dirt OUT of your client’s home, not bring more IN! This week’s QuickTIP shares how to always keep your equipment clean …
Make Cheerleaders in residential carpet cleaning before you even turn on your truckmount. How? Give your customer “the Illusion of Control”.