Winter is a tough time for carpet cleaning and restoration contractors. After all, most homeowners don’t book carpet cleaning with snow outside. (Even though you can “motivate” them with our SFS “slow season” Gift Card idea!) But even if you are busy…
The simple logistics of working in snow, ice and freezing temperatures can be miserable! Yet your employees want a 40 hour week and you have bills to pay! So the show must go on! So what to do?
Carry a full complement of winter “survival tools”:
1. Winter boots- I used “Sorel” type boots with removable felt liners. (Then carry a set of moccasins to slip on at your customer’s porch.)
2. Waterproof gloves- Nothing is worse than cracked, bleeding fingers from wet hoses in freezing temps!
3. Stay warm- Buy your employees quality, logoed uniform coats. (And keep your head warm with a good hat.)
4. Broom- To keep your customer’s porch (and your van) cleared off.
5. Snow shovel- We used big aluminum “grain scoops” to dig ourselves out and clear customer’s walks. If you do get stuck have a…
6. Tow strap- Getting yanked out by a passing Good Samaritan can keep you on schedule. But don’t screw around with economy tow straps. Get a 30′ long strap with at least a 20,000# rating. (Use a tow strap with some “give” to it instead of a chain that literally can yank your axle off. Don’t ask me how I learned this one!)
7. Jumper cables- These can keep you going or even better, you can be a “hero” to some poor potential customer stuck in a parking lot!
Check out my new “Surviving Winter” video HERE. And hey! Stay warm out there!
PS Please share other “winter survival tools” you use in the comments section below.