Keep your trucks clean and organized
Boost efficiency with clean and organized trucks/ techs. Here Steve offers 5 tips to make a difference right now!
Boost efficiency with clean and organized trucks/ techs. Here Steve offers 5 tips to make a difference right now!
Tired of getting blown off by adjusters? Then prove to them that you will make their lives easier! Steve shares a great tip on getting the loss started off right.
Steve shares the fastest, simplest, cheapest (but not the easiest) way to get more jobs.
When first meeting a prospective customer you must “break through” their skepticism. After your contact gives you a tour and shows you their “areas of special concern” simply ask this key question…
It is the little details (what we call positive “Moments of Truth” in SFS) that add-up when starting a business relationship.
Wouldn’t it be great to get “up close and personal” with over 100 top prospects for your carpet cleaning services? That is where one Minneapolis carpet cleaner finds himself, but how can he make the best of his opportunity?
Slow months can bring a cash crunch. How can a cleaning company best market to commercial accounts?
Home owners blossom when they see your technician paying attention to what they say. The very best way to show you are really listening? Take “Immediate Action”! Read on for a simple but highly effective “Moment of Truth” when “pre-inspecting” before the carpet cleaning …
Win Customer Cheerleaders by briefly explaining the cleaning process and how you are going to do it. Your goal is to give the home owner enough knowledge to FEEL in control.
How you phrase a simple customer request can have a dramatic effect on the all-important relationship between client and company.
Tempted to just tell in-your-face price shoppers to go ahead and try your friendly local “bait and switcher” low-ball competitor? A better option is …
Everyone talks about it- but what exactly does “great customer service” consist of? After 40 years in the industry Steve shares his take on the question …
How you dress influences how others view you and how you view yourself. There are few rules. See what works for you.
First impressions are lasting impressions. These three front-door-step Positive Moments of Truth break the ice with the homeowner and boost your carpet cleaning technician’s confidence.
Lots of carpet cleaners wear surgical type shoe covers (“booties”) in the home. But very few WOW their client by offering the home owner their very own booties!