Got more time than money?
Steve shares the fastest, simplest, cheapest (but not the easiest) way to get more jobs.
Steve shares the fastest, simplest, cheapest (but not the easiest) way to get more jobs.
A Houston carpet cleaner is torn on asking his customers if he can install a temporary sign in their yard. Steve likes the concept but as always there are some pitfalls to consider …
Many times residential carpet cleaning is both an emotional and impulsive decision. Working with their customer’s “sense of urgency” gives some carpet cleaners a big “marketing differentiation”!
One California carpet cleaner wants to know if he could be sued in a house break-in where supposedly the thieves targeted the home after seeing the door hanger outside. Hmmm … good question! Where do you folks come up with this stuff! Steve takes the query and runs with it …
Marketing really is a game of numbers. Your goal? To constantly increase the amount of people who immediately think of your company when a need arises.
Give your workers a Service System (a SCRIPT!) to consistently guide the transaction’s Moments of Truth!
A Texas cleaner wants to expand into a neighboring city. Are “door to door” visits giving away Lifetime Free Spot Out the way to go?
A Rochester, NY carpet cleaner needs some effective low cost marketing. Steve says if you are going to “burn some shoe leather” you better get a good return on your investment! Here’s how…
You don’t make money driving! Steve shares some great tips on how to “travel smarter” and Make More Money on each job!
Refrigerator magnets have to be hands down one of the most cost-effective marketing tools for cleaners out there. Steve explains how you can distribute a frig magnet in your target market area effectively…
There are a lot of new razzle-dazzle marketing tools out there and many show great promise. We’ll keep you up to date. BUT, Steve Toburen reminds us that for carpet cleaners nothing replaces footwork and getting a physical reminder into the customer’s home. Check out this twist on a standard carpet cleaning marketing tool- the door hanger.