Differentiate your company with a DYNAMITE guarantee!
Offer a no-questions-asked guarantee in residential! (And honor it CHEERFULLY!)
Offer a no-questions-asked guarantee in residential! (And honor it CHEERFULLY!)
Work with a desperate home owner’s “sense of urgency” and you’ll snare a client for life. Steve shares why and how you should offer “Same Day Service”…
Stop the insanity of trying to underprice the competition on every single job. It’s time for a new tactic. Go where no one else wants to go!
Win Customer Cheerleaders by briefly explaining the cleaning process and how you are going to do it. Your goal is to give the home owner enough knowledge to FEEL in control.
Many times residential carpet cleaning is both an emotional and impulsive decision. Working with their customer’s “sense of urgency” gives some carpet cleaners a big “marketing differentiation”!
Overbooking does damage in a multitude of ways. Steve Toburen exposes these dangers and offers some practical solutions.
Host videos on your website so prospects can SEE what your company will be doing in their home or business.
The best business books aren’t just about business; they give you tools to improve your communication skills and/or increase your powers of influence. Bill explores how to create a “story”.
No matter how good you are a few clients will STILL complain. (And you can only HOPE they call you instead of nailing you on the Internet for 1,000’s of prospective customers to read!)
What do you do when an unhappy client actually wants to USE your “100% delighted guarantee”! GRRRR! This is so unfair since you did a “good job”! Listen carefully here..
An experienced restorer has fallen on hard times. Steve offers short and long term solutions to a difficult situation.
Clutter is a fire hazard, a Negative MOT and even worse it breeds… more clutter! So here is a No-More-Clutter Checklist
Bill Yeadon typed the word “secrets” into Amazon.com and received 168,876 hits. This made him wonder: “Are there really any ‘secrets’ in marketing?”
Best Buy should be King of the retail electronics world. So what went wrong? What lessons can a small business learn from the mistakes of Best Buy?
Is Groupon the greatest thing going or a flash in the pan that may destroy your company? Big Billy Yeadon gives an update …