A richer life by “courting” your people.
In his fourth and final installment of his “courtship series”, SFS Instructor Chuck Violand expounds on the true riches to be found in business and (no surprise here!) they have nothing to do with money!
In his fourth and final installment of his “courtship series”, SFS Instructor Chuck Violand expounds on the true riches to be found in business and (no surprise here!) they have nothing to do with money!
An Idaho cleaner is in between hiring his first employee or forming a partnership. Uh-oh! Time for another one of “Steve’s rants”!
Too many of us hire with this criteria: 1) Blow on this mirror. 2) Is the mirror fogged? 3) Yes? Great- you are hired! Steve analyses the moral, ethical and financial implications of hiring the wrong person.
SFS Instructor Chuck Violand reflects on how to win your employee’s hearts in Part III of his “courtship” series …
Chuck Violand reflects on the “filtering process” we go though both in a courtship and in attracting the “right people” we want to do business with …
Everyone wants success but few ever find it. Bill goes down deep into the human psyche with some soul searching questions about what motivates you as a business owner. Fortunately for all of us there are answers to be found inside us …
Chuck Violand explores the similarities between the relationship of a courting couple and you with your employees, customers, suppliers, and other business “partners” who support you every day.
Increased sales can bring growing pains that have destroyed many small business contractors. Here is some help …
A Portland janitorial service manager deals with the frustrating plague of techno-addiction. What is YOUR policy on cell phones and their usage in the field? Steve gives his preferred guidelines.
It is simple- to get respect you have to give it first. Harried business owners especially need to be wary of breaking this rule. Consider carefully Chuck’s thoughts on enhancing your “respect earning potential”…
Don’t you just hate those nasty call-backs and complaints after you are convinced you left the carpets looking great? (Especially when the customer wasn’t even there when you did the work! Grrrr …) Here is one great way to pro-actively solve this problem before it even starts …
Increase profits and efficiency (and lower your blood pressure!) when you avoid missing equipment on the job by insisting on “Red Tagging” the steering wheel!
Three steps to keep your field technicians motivated in the endless pursuit of making the cheerleader. Hint- a fun combination of cash and public acknowledgement.
Many entrepreneurs struggle with verbalizing their gratitude to others. SFS instructor Chuck Violand shares why saying “thank you” is so important and how you can do so …
Create positive Moments of Truth for both the home owner AND your employees by scheduling two person crews for residential carpet cleaning.