Will a partnership help me grow my carpet cleaning business?
An Idaho cleaner is in between hiring his first employee or forming a partnership. Uh-oh! Time for another one of “Steve’s rants”!
An Idaho cleaner is in between hiring his first employee or forming a partnership. Uh-oh! Time for another one of “Steve’s rants”!
Good questions prime your brain to look at the world in a different way. By simply holding a question in your mind and pondering potential answers, you can find unexpected paths to get from where you are now to where you want to be.
A Louisiana cleaner\restorer feels the need for change in his life. Is it time to sell or can he make “adjustments”? Steve offers ideas on both options…
The power of your subconscious is huge. In fact, just temporarily putting off taking action has given me some of my very best ideas. The challenge is recording your idea once you have it. Steve gives some suggestions.
A New Zealand cleaner “bought a job” ten years ago but now finds himself burning out and facing a dead end. Steve shares some options and resources that just might help …
A Chicago area cleaner is facing a “forced move” to rural Missouri. Can he not only survive but prosper?
A struggling Alabama carpet cleaner asks Steve, “What would you do differently if you could rebuild and sell your business all over again”? Steve (of course) waxes nostalgic as he looks back over the last forty years …
A Portland carpet cleaner is at a cross roads in his life. Get big by taking on employees? Stay small as an owner operator? Steve’s answer may surprise you …
Not all successful companies need to “get BIG”. A proven Colorado cleaner needs help in scaling things back into a manageable size. Steve offers a shoulder to cry on and shares his firsthand experience of what to do when your cleaning business gets out of control.
As business owners we tend to “cherry pick” and only do the stuff we enjoy and avoid what we dread. Yet it has been well said, “Success comes to those who will do what others won’t do.”
An Alabama carpet cleaner is looking down the road 15 years or so and fretting, “How am I going to ‘get out’?” Steve says “Good for you”. Every carpet cleaning business should be managed for its eventual sale. The recipe follows …
Complacency, routine and arrogance have destroyed companies much bigger and (at one time) more successful than your cleaning or restoration operation. So how can you survive and even prosper in today’s extremely challenging business environment? Steve shares the concept of “S/A” …
“Small” decisions can determine your fate as a owner operator in the cleaning/restoration industry.
WAPR has profound implications for all of us in every facet of our lives. Let’s go deeper on each component!
Far too often we just sort of let circumstances and chance determine our life. As a new calendar year approaches Steve offers some points to ponder…