Beautiful business! So how do I find a buyer?

A Louisiana cleaner\restorer feels the need for change in his life. Is it time to sell or can he make “adjustments”? Steve offers ideas on both options…

Never leave a commercial cleaning account’s door unlocked again …

Nothing is worse than a raving angry call from a regular commercial carpet cleaning customer who discovers your crew left his or her business unlocked all night! Stop this particular nightmare forever with this week’s “quickTIP” …

What can a carpet cleaner learn from the “Three Stooges?”

The “Three Stooges”? (We’re not talking about Chuck Violand, Big Billy Yeadon and Steve Toburen of SFS fame!) Nope, Chuck says that we learn how to avoid “Paralysis by Analysis” from Larry, Moe and Curly!

The two BIG responsibilities of a good leader …

Most of us entered the carpet cleaning industry by the “back door”- as technicians first. No shame in that. But sooner or later most carpet cleaners must morph into being a “leader” in their company. Being a good leader is both simpler and infinitely more difficult than you may have ever imagined …