Beautiful business! So how do I find a buyer?

A Louisiana cleaner\restorer feels the need for change in his life. Is it time to sell or can he make “adjustments”? Steve offers ideas on both options…

How soon can I “escape” my carpet cleaning business?

An Alabama carpet cleaner is looking down the road 15 years or so and fretting, “How am I going to ‘get out’?” Steve says “Good for you”. Every carpet cleaning business should be managed for its eventual sale. The recipe follows …

Cashing Out: Preparing Your Cleaning Business for its Eventual Sale

sell your business

When will you sell your business? Very few make plans for this very likely reality. Do it right with this Special Report.

Escaping Groundhog Day Management – Part VII (Discipline)

We’ve discussed the first two sub-categories of discipline: 1) The ability to execute and 2) to hold yourself accountable. Now let’s finish up with this last characteristic – the ability to get out of our own way!

So can a carpet cleaner “cash out” at a young enough age to actually ENJOY retirement?

It is the “unspoken dread” among cleaning professionals. Sure, we make a lot of money and have all the toys. But many carpet cleaners worry about ever achieving true financial independence while they are still young enough to enjoy it! Steve Toburen shares how he retired from full time business at the age of 38 by giving readers two great links and one even more important date in Las Vegas next September …

Meg’s Story: Focusing on our online marketing (Part 10)

Meg and John have made huge progress streamlining their internal operations. But all these changes are expensive. Time to get that phone to ring! Meg shares how they have done it …