Thanks to the Strategies for Success program I totally revamped my business and then sold it for a comfortable retirement! I credit my success to Jon-Don, some dumb luck, hard work and SFS!
In 1995 I bought a small one man one van carpet cleaning business and started out with just me and one van in my own garage. Life was tough! I took every job that came my way, no matter when, where or what time of day or night. I joined the Rotary, volunteered in public interest groups and spread the word. The road was very bumpy at times with some wild stories!
But thanks mostly to the resources I received from the SFS program over the next ten years I built a company that grossed $1,000,000.00 per year with 10 vehicles and a 10,000 square foot building. Then I sold this business (that I bought for 30K!) in 2005 for $675,000.00!
Two things stand out from my SFS seminar that transformed my restoration business. First, Steve Toburen told us a very heartfelt story about his long time residential client that had suffered a major fire and smoke loss. Steve walked into dozens of contractors, inspectors, workers and insurance people milling around the insured’s devastated home. He finally found this very private lady shivering alone in her frigid bedroom. Steve draped a blanket around her and asked “How are you?” She responded, “Steve, I feel like I have been raped!”

These words gripped me! Steve told us to treat our insureds as “victims” of a vicious emotional and even physical assault! And yes, I believe this transformation in how we treated our clients inspired the tremendous growth of my company. And yet Steve stated something even more important to my success…
In closing my Strategies for Success seminar Steve stated “Some of you are not getting any younger and need to start planning your exit strategy!” These were the most inspiring words I had ever heard! At that moment, I looked around the room and realized Steve had to be talking directly to me!
I am so glad I started my exit strategy well in advance. I should have thanked Steve and the SFS team many years ago. I never dreamed following Steve’s advice and SFS systems would lead to my success. (I still do my own carpet and those of the 8 rental homes I have with the Pathfinder I bought from Jon Don about 9 years ago!)
NOTE: It took me 2.5 years to sell my business. I turned down 3 offers during that time. Like Steve says, “Do NOT wait until you are desperate to start your business selling process, start your exit strategy now”!
I just want to thank Jon-Don, their SFS program and especially Steve Toburen for everything they did to help me, my company and, most importantly, my family !!!
Sandy Dean
Branson, MO
Thank you, Steve, for the recognition! And for the contribution of your SFS program to my success. I’d like to also recognize the contribution of Mike Lieber and the staff at Jon Don in St Louis for helping me and my staff out in critical times to satisfy our clients and preserve our reputation.