A richer life by “courting” your people.
In his fourth and final installment of his “courtship series”, SFS Instructor Chuck Violand expounds on the true riches to be found in business and (no surprise here!) they have nothing to do with money!
In his fourth and final installment of his “courtship series”, SFS Instructor Chuck Violand expounds on the true riches to be found in business and (no surprise here!) they have nothing to do with money!
Tired of getting blown off by adjusters? Then prove to them that you will make their lives easier! Steve shares a great tip on getting the loss started off right.
It is simple- to get respect you have to give it first. Harried business owners especially need to be wary of breaking this rule. Consider carefully Chuck’s thoughts on enhancing your “respect earning potential”…
Improve your face to face time with clients. Make your great service even better by providing information that the customer can appreciate and use.
Many entrepreneurs struggle with verbalizing their gratitude to others. SFS instructor Chuck Violand shares why saying “thank you” is so important and how you can do so …
A multitude of tiny MOTs combined together will create delighted Customer Cheerleaders that will produce millions of dollars in “downstream profits!”
Respecting personal space is a no-brainer for anyone who works in the customer’s home. But just what do we mean by “respecting” this space? Steve demonstrates one factor.
When your customer says “Thank you” at the end of your job, how should you respond? I suggest flipping this exchange into a positive Moment of Truth with this reply.
Win Customer Cheerleaders by briefly explaining the cleaning process and how you are going to do it. Your goal is to give the home owner enough knowledge to FEEL in control.
There are many ways to diversify in the cleaning industry. Trauma cleanup is one of the more challenging options. See what it takes to get into the trauma cleanup business.
Everyone talks about it- but what exactly does “great customer service” consist of? After 40 years in the industry Steve shares his take on the question …
Improve the relationship with the customer by focusing on calming the typical fears a home owner has about a new, unknown (and possibly very strange) carpet cleaning technician walking into their home. Read and IMPLEMENT this quickTIP …. please!
The condition of your equipment represents the image of your company. Here is one example of how to always make the best impression by “double-dipping” …
An Oregon water loss carpet expert struggles with being completely up front with the homeowner of a water damaged home versus the customer’s desire for “Immediate Action”. Guess who wins with Steve?
Careful, calculated compensation plans can reward productive employees. Steve offers practical considerations for residential cleaners before diving in.