Sioux and I enjoy French Impressionist paintings- these beauties are all created by tiny brush strokes that combine to create a stunning masterpiece. (Thank you for letting me wax eloquent here. But now back to work!)
So HOW will you create your personal “business masterpiece?” By delivering a “customer experience” made out tiny “business brush strokes”- positive Moments of Truth! (MOTs) These tiny MOTs combined together will create delighted Customer Cheerleaders that will produce millions of dollars in “downstream profits!” In other words…
This vision is built on small, consistent DETAILS. For example…
Send a personal, handwritten Thank You note after every residential cleaning.
In my company we just used simple “Thank You” notes. Inside these blank message cards there was a heartfelt personal message written out (legibly) by the lead tech. (The office checked the card before sealing the envelope!) Here is a sample note…

Hi Mrs. Smith,
Charlie and I really enjoyed working in your home. And please give your Labrador Smitty a big hug from both of us!
Thank you so much for your business,
Billy Yeadon
PS Mrs. Smith, I’m including a few of my business cards. We super appreciate any referrals you can pass along to us. (Either online or with my cards.)
NOTE: This sincere Thank You note does not replace the Immediate Quality Check call that should be made within five minutes after the tech leaves the job.
Restoration HINT: Given the traumatized emotions of the Insured (remember, it is all about how they “feel” about you) we wanted to “get ahead of the game.” So we would deliver a “comfort food” basket to the Insured as soon as possible.
Commercial HINT: On our regular commercial accounts we seldom sent out “Thank You” notes. (Yes, I know. This contradicts what I say above. But commercial is totally different from residential!) I found that on regular accounts we kept them longer by “staying under the radar” and just delivering reliable quality work.