Never Stop Courting
Chuck Violand explores the similarities between the relationship of a courting couple and you with your employees, customers, suppliers, and other business “partners” who support you every day.
Chuck Violand explores the similarities between the relationship of a courting couple and you with your employees, customers, suppliers, and other business “partners” who support you every day.
It is simple- to get respect you have to give it first. Harried business owners especially need to be wary of breaking this rule. Consider carefully Chuck’s thoughts on enhancing your “respect earning potential”…
Work with a desperate home owner’s “sense of urgency” and you’ll snare a client for life. Steve shares why and how you should offer “Same Day Service”…
Increase profits and efficiency (and lower your blood pressure!) when you avoid missing equipment on the job by insisting on “Red Tagging” the steering wheel!
Improve your face to face time with clients. Make your great service even better by providing information that the customer can appreciate and use.
Many entrepreneurs struggle with verbalizing their gratitude to others. SFS instructor Chuck Violand shares why saying “thank you” is so important and how you can do so …
Developing a relationship over the phone is a real challenge. Your cleaning or restoration company can start building a bond with a new client right from the “git-go” with this little tip…
Any phone script needs tweaking now and then… Steve Toburen’s SFS carpet cleaning phone script is due for a little fine tuning of its own. With these modifications you now have the option of giving a price over the phone and STILL book the job!
A “day before” Confirmation Call creates efficiency and profitability for you. Even better, it is a great positive Moment of Truth for the home owner…
Success in business is based on clear, honest and open communication between all involved. Make it easy with a Production Day Sheet.
When your customer says “Thank you” at the end of your job, how should you respond? I suggest flipping this exchange into a positive Moment of Truth with this reply.
Get off on the right foot with Momma and everyone will be happy. And especially you as you create “Employee Cheerleaders” who seldom quit!
How you phrase a simple customer request can have a dramatic effect on the all-important relationship between client and company.
On a Restoration Job keeping the peace comes first. See how a house plant can help you achieve this.
It drove me absolutely nuts when my company was blamed for the customer’s pre-existing problem(s)! However usually they (and I) were innocent victims of a weird psychological phenomenon I’ve dubbed … “Heightened Awareness Syndrome”! (HAS)