She wants me to “price match”! Help!

The “Great Recession” has made it “fashionable to haggle”! Here are some thoughts on how to handle value-conscious customers and the other “can you beat this price” shoppers that inevitably are going come your way.

How to deal with “I wanna a price now” callers!

Any phone script needs tweaking now and then… Steve Toburen’s SFS carpet cleaning phone script is due for a little fine tuning of its own. With these modifications you now have the option of giving a price over the phone and STILL book the job!

Tired of the “your carpet cleaning prices are too high” objection?

The recent Great Recession has marked (scarred?) our customer’s buying habits. Steve shows one Dallas carpet cleaner how to avoid being put on the defensive when hit with the “too high” objection …

Winning Over the “Price Shopper” (Without losing your shirt!)

Cleaning your carpets on the cheap is definitely “in”. Thanks to the economic downturn (and Groupon!) even well off carpet cleaning clients are negotiating for a better price. So what’s a poor cleaner to do?