How can I increase the cleaning frequency of our accounts?

How can a big city commercial cleaner tie-up his commercial customers for the long-term and avoid back-breaking restorative cleanings? Zoned “Maintenance agreements” are the answer but how should he structure (and sell) them? Steve weighs in …

How to “convert” a big cleanup into a regular contract account

A Carolina cleaner is all excited about a big job. Steve returns him to reality with a reminder on regular cash flow and how to get it.

Commercial carpet cleaning confusion?

A Phoenix carpet cleaner needs to get commercial work FAST! Steve shares six points that will get things moving IF he has the “fire in the belly”!

“Help! How do I deal with a business slow down?”

A Philadelphia cleaner’s business hits the wall. What to do? Steve hit’s him with four tough questions and shares four practical ideas to get things back on track.

Burning out with janitorial in New Zealand!

A New Zealand cleaner “bought a job” ten years ago but now finds himself burning out and facing a dead end. Steve shares some options and resources that just might help …

Who knew selling carpet cleaning to restaurants could be so easy?

A mostly residential carpet cleaner discovers a new market in commercial. His new found success takes Steve on a nostalgic journey to yesteryear and how, despite conventional wisdom, he fell into contract maintenance commercial cleaning.

What to do with the tables and chairs in restaurant carpet cleaning?

Restaurant tables and chairs- the bane of every carpet cleaner! Steve dishes out the secrets to how his company very profitably cleaned over 50 restaurants every month PLUS one BIG commercial cleaning NO-NO to avoid!

Never leave a commercial cleaning account’s door unlocked again …

Nothing is worse than a raving angry call from a regular commercial carpet cleaning customer who discovers your crew left his or her business unlocked all night! Stop this particular nightmare forever with this week’s “quickTIP” …

How to avoid getting hung out to dry on commercial carpet cleaning without a key …

Have you been stuck waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for your contact to show up and lock up after you finish a commercial carpet cleaning account? Nothing is more irritating and frustrating. If it has happened to you then you will “feel his pain” as a Salt Lake city carpet cleaner shares the typical “key boondoggle” …